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Thursday, 07 February 2013


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I'm not sure what is up with filofax. I notice that they tend to discontinue popular planners which still have high demand too. Doesn't make much sense to me at all.

Joseph David Quinton

I agree with you, Wendy. I find it exasperating at times to locate the model and color of Filofax that you are looking for. Filofax USA has discontinued carrying the Malden....one of the most popular Filofax planners around....don't understand their logic.


I totally agree. Why is the Baroque out of the collection, why has it never been made in A5? Or the purple Finchley in A5. Sigh...


If you ring one of the filofax stores in London and pay over the phone, you will often find they have a larger number of models available than shown in the website! USA is probabely the same !

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