Dear Mr. Cline:
I began reading Ready Player One on 6 January. Here it is eleven days later and I am getting ready to read chapter 32 on my lunch break. I am not normally such a slow reader, but Ready Player One has forced me to read extremely slowly so that I can savor each and every page in this amazing book.
When readers consider world building, they automatically think of Tolkien, Frank Herbert, George R.R. Martin, Terry Pratchett, Robert Jordan, Patrick Rothfuss, and others as world building masters. This list, however, is not complete without the addition of Ernest Cline to the esteemed list. The world you have created in Ready Player One is amazing and the plot of your story is mind blowing. Also, there is not one unnecessary scene or character, boring page, or useless page filler. Every word you have chosen, sentence you have crafted, paragraph you have constructed, and chapter you have polished and refined to near perfection is so very precious and deeply appreciated. I have so enjoyed the time I have spent in your world, and I so dread the time when I read the very last age, close the book, and return it to the library, but i must move forward, for the Battle of Castle Anorak is at hand and Parzival, Art3mus, Aech, and Shoto need me to cheer them on.
Thank you most sincerely for creaing such an enjoyable book and I am looking forward to thr realease of Armada later this year!
Joseph Quinton